In Progress <<<

Process openings shown at
La Poderosa in Fabra I Coats, Barcelona
La Briqueterie, Paris
Centre National de la Danse, Paris
ProLabs, Meetyou Festival Valladolid

Through the lens of poverty, Vanity Poverty Revenge considers the connections between dispersed cultural and political phenomena, from the proliferation of homelessness in the West, the outburst of strong narcotics and pharmaceuticals, heroine, crack but also fentanyl, antipsychotics and antidepressants, to how these embodiments of Western misery find their stylised expression in examples such as haute couture. An aesthetic of luxury based on the signifiers of contemporary poverty that trickles down through replicas, fakes and cheaper brands that are then consumable ready and longed for by those very same ones that end up outraging in the streets.

A Co-Production of Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona
With the suport of Graner (Barcelona), La Briqueterie (Paris), La Poderosa (Barcelona), ICEC

Accepting patrons and signs of interest in varied forms